hey jack

TRUST AI TO do bookkeeping accurately


Screenshot of the Jack interface.

Who is Jack?

Meet Jack, your AI-powered bookkeeping agent. Jack is capable of extracting line-item accounting entries, assigning them to the correct GL and tax codes, and performing bank reconciliation functions. Unlike traditional OCR technology, Jack learns from each previous transaction and better contextualizes the accounting treatment, allowing for more accurate extraction, faster processing, reduced manual review and providing real-time insights. With Jack taking care of the time-consuming repetitive tasks, you can focus on providing more consulting and decision-making advice to your clients and internal finance teams. Using the latest AI technology, Jack is 10x faster and 4x cheaper than in-house bookkeeping and outsourced solutions.

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Accounting Challenges in 2024

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Growing your practice and taking on new clients without increasing headcount.

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Outsourcing vs In-House

Trying to balance speed, accuracy, costs and oversight without client work suffering.

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Fee Pressures

Practice costs are increasing and clients are looking for lowers fees. Something has got to give.

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Consulting and Advisory

Having access to real-time useful insights which really impact client decision making.

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Team Upskill

In a fast-moving regulatory environment, not having enough time to train and teach your team.

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How Jack can help

Through speedy extraction and accurate accounting treatment, Jack removes repetitive daily tasks, reduces time spent reviewing and allows your team to upskill in real-time by providing reasons for decisions taken. More time can be spent on consulting and delivering valuable insights and scaling your practice without increasing headcount thanks to Jack’s AI powered technology, but at a fraction of the cost.

With Jack you can do:



Clients send Jack invoices by WhatsApp, Email Fetch or Slack, then extracts and reconciles 10 invoices every 3 minutes. Simply log in and validate Jack's work before sync or send to pay run.



Jack acts like an insurance policy, checking identity, authority, budget, policy, laws and regulations in real-time for every transaction. This includes VAT and GL code compliance.



From the end of 2024, send supply chain payments or reimbursements to Jack to be paid. Jack knows when a payment is intended to be paid on invoice arrival so is trained to detect and prevent financial fraud.

Who uses Jack?

Jack supports various types of businesses with differing needs. But there are two things things they all have in common: they are ambitious and future-focused. Whether you are a business owner, CEO, FD or accountant, Jack can help your company become more efficient starting now.

Accounting Practice
SME Business

Solutions for Accountancy Firms

Jack acts as your firm’s individual client bookkeeper, with all the benefits of having an experienced employee with client specific institutional knowledge, but running 24/7 at a fraction of the cost. Each one of your clients will have their own Jack to work on their expense transactions. With Jack always learning on the job, watch the review time fall as accurate extraction and GL code mapping increases. Jack will revolutionise client budget management and automate time-consuming tasks like pre-payments, accruals and bank reconciliation. With more real-time expense data, Jack’s capabilities also ensure compliance and mitigate fraud and audit risks.

Jenesys at The Business Show in London, November 2023

Become an early adopter and find out how Jack solves these practice challenges

How it works

Jack is a service accessed through a web based platform and paid for hourly. Let us set you up with a trial to see what it can do with your bookkeeping.


Send in invoices

Snap a photo and send it via WhatsApp, Slack or email — or let Jack monitor your email inbox to auto-retrieve it.


Review Jack’s reconciliation

Jack auto-extracts, ready for review, learning in real time after every review.


Publish to accounting platform

Sync the expense data and send the invoice directly to your accounting platform.


What our users say about us


A eureka moment meeting Jack AI! No more just talking about AI, let’s put it to some good use for bookkeepers and accountants. Jack, built with the help of accountants for bookkeepers.

Marie Speakman

Partner and Accountant


Jack's backstory


Jack was initially conceived as a payment solution for companies that preferred to pay by purchase order (PO) but had suppliers who wanted to be paid by card. The co-founders, Nicolai and Tosin, met at an accelerator in London. However, transactional accounting teams considered this a nice-to-have feature rather than a necessity. When the co-founders inquired about the most tedious and time-consuming tasks in accounting, there was a unanimous agreement: retrieving invoices from clients, manually reconciling half of the invoice, and chasing clients to pay their bills. This revelation led to a pivot in Jack's focus. Now, Jack is designed to be readily available wherever your clients are already working and communicating – be it email, WhatsApp, Slack, or Teams. This integration makes it incredibly simple for clients to snap a picture of a receipt or invoice and send it in, streamlining the invoice submission and reconciliation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My client doesn't like changes in technology, how can you make this transition easier?
  • Can Jack be implemented now?
  • How much does Jack cost?
  • What happens to my staff - does Jack replace them?
  • Is Jack an alternative to outsourcing bookkeeping?
  • How does Jack help my practice make more money?

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