About us



We're all on the same team here—just like every business owner and employee who’s passionate about seeing their business thrive and grow. We're here to be your go-to crew for handling all things financial. Our mission? To give you real-time, accurate, and detailed bookkeeping data, paired with top-notch service and support, so you can steer your business forward with confidence.


Take the Initiative
We value being the first to act and taking the initiative is encouraged.
Be Accurate
Taking time to be accurate is appreciated, because it builds confidence and trust.
Back the Team
We're in it together and will go further with one another's support.
Be Honest
Honesty to say what you think in any situation is never judged but helpful to move us forward.

How everything started

Back in late 2022, our co-founders had this big idea to shake up B2B payments. But guess what? We quickly realized that was just the cherry on top. The real pain point hits a step or two earlier—managing supplier invoices and receipts and getting the bookkeeping done right, without breaking the bank. Somewhere along the line, accuracy took a backseat, and prices started creeping up. But here’s the thing: "The numbers" are the foundation of every big decision you make. Great financial management starts with great bookkeeping, and that means real-time, accurate, and detailed data delivered as quickly as possible.

Enter Jack—our AI-powered sidekick for bookkeepers everywhere. We believe Jack is going to change the game, making sure every dollar, pound, euro, and yen is accounted for with real-time accuracy and detail. We're just at the beginning of an incredible wave of innovation. So, why not jump on board now? Train your Jack alongside us, and watch as it helps you and your business grow and thrive every day.

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What our users say about us


Jack has improved our service quality significantly. Submitting documents through various platforms is now seamless. Jack’s line item extraction and analysis provide valuable insights, such as identifying unusual expenses quickly. This saves time and helps us offer precise advice. Jack is essential for any modern bookkeeping practice.

Beatrix Schuster

IB books & credits, Kent.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My client doesn't like changes in technology, how can you make this transition easier?
  • Can Jack be implemented now?
  • How much does Jack cost?
  • What happens to my staff - does Jack replace them?
  • Is Jack an alternative to outsourcing bookkeeping?
  • How does Jack help my practice make more money?

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